Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Outlining the Sequence

In previous blog posts, I have discussed the story I wish to represent in my two minute film opening. Recapping, this consisted of a teenage girl who becomes so emerged in her brain-numbing everyday schedule that she feels as though her days repeat, leaving her life with no meaning. With this in mind, along with my further character building done in previous blogs, I have began planning how the story/intro would unfold. I plan on completing a storyboard, going in depth on technical aspects I will use to illustrate the plot. However, before I do so, I decided it would be best to create an outline of what sequence the intro will follow, focusing primarily on the content aspect of my project. Here is what I have come up with:

1. Girl wakes up.
2. Brushes teeth/completes morning routine.
3. Goes to school.
4. Sits in class, staring into space. 
5. Comes home, does homework. 
6. Changes and goes to sleep. 
7. Repeat.
8. Short clip in therapist's office. 

In the beginning of my opening, this will be the routine followed. As I had planned, it would then repeat, eliciting the idea that the character's life feels repetitive and meaningless. As can be seen on the outline, I did include one extra scene beyond the schedule. I felt this was important as an indicator of where the movie will go beyond the intro. It also would assist in the conclusion of how this repetitiveness impacts the character; she would be in a therapist's office due to her lack of a beneficial mental state. 

In addition to understanding my content further, this outline helped me determine my filming locations. This will consist primarily of my room, my school, and a therapist's office. Luckily, my aunt is a therapist, therefore I will be able to film at her job when she is available. The visualization of my piece has been facilitated by this outline and I feel ready to begin my storyboard. 

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