Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Question...? Which idea should we pick?

As Lauren and I prepare to commence the documentary portfolio project I described on my last blog post, we have brainstormed a multitude of ideas regarding accessible topics we may cover in the final extract. Although we have yet to make a decision, listed below is a set of our final contenders, described in no particular order. 

1) The Circuit

"The Circuit" is the name of our school newspaper, a group I, as a journalism enthusiast, have always envied as I was never able to register myself. Together, Lauren and I theorized that, modeled after the Netflix documentary Abstract: The Art of Design, which in each episode details different jobs relating to the arts, we could follow The Circuit's production process, specifying each task in different episodes. For example, while one episode might accompany the Editor in Chief and Managing Editors (top positions in The Circuit), another could follow specified writer roles, such as the sports or news editors. 

2) Student Hobbies

As our second option, we concluded that following students in their hobbies after school could be an interesting and thought-provoking piece revealing the variety in young adult interests and personalities. In our plans, we outlined that each episode could demonstrate a separate student describing their passion and illustrating the processes and steps they take to revel in their past-times. For instance, Lauren and I brainstormed inviting our friend Chiara, a singer, for one episode and our other classmates, Sai and Josh, who host a sports podcast in their free time, for another. Below is an article I researched while attempting to discover a purpose for and connection with this idea:

3) Production Behind the Scenes

As I am sure may be obvious due to the fact that we are in the second level of a Media Studies course, Lauren and I are deeply fascinated by media text production in many forms, one clearly being documentaries. In an interesting turn of events, Lauren texted me with a wonderful idea, although at the moment extremely experimental and theoretical. For now, we discussed surrounding our extract on the production process of a documentary piece, possibly of another group within our class. Regarding other episodes, we concluded that different production operations, such as film, podcasts, and writing, may each be highlighted separately. Of course, this idea requires additional development; however, we are truly interested in discovering whether or not this plan may be plausible.

So, question...? Which idea should we pick...? 

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