Friday, March 10, 2023

The Two Major Props

As I wrap up my filming process, it is important that I also finalize the last of my mise-en-scene elements. In my storyboard, I included two major props: the character's notebook and a textbook. For the textbook, I plan on using my own SAT guide book, eliciting the extent to which school work and extracurriculars consume this character and contribute to her sense of vanity. The notebook, however, I must create myself, as the shot will consist of the character's scribbles. I hope to convey pieces of my piece through the drawings and writings, making the close up on her notebook meaningful to the development of her character. Here is what I created:

As can be seen, I included a variety of typically sad drawings, such as the cloud raining on the person and the broken heart. I did so in an attempt to convey the own melancholy characterized in my character. In addition, I made sure to incorporate aspects of her real life as well, eliciting that even when she is conveying her emotions and lost in her thoughts, her life remains surrounded by her obligations. For example, the reminders of her SAT and therapy appointment. Lastly, I included what I consider to be an easter-egg. As stated in a previous blog post, one of the mise-en-scene elements in my character's room is a dying rose. Consequently, in the notebook, a drawing of a dying rose can be seen. I strategically included this in an attempt to reinforce the idea that the rose symbolizes my character's lost of spirit and fleeting hope.

Now, it is officially time to complete the filming!

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