Sunday, March 31, 2024

Clean layout

As Lauren and I prepare for the last stretch of the A level portfolio project (due in 10 days), we have begun diving deeper into the third component of the assignment: the magazine article. A few blog posts ago, I outlined the research Lauren and I conducted in preparation for our writing and designing of the print sector, an extremely helpful and necessary transitional blog that has led my partner and I to today's decisions.

Considering the requirements of the task, which dictate that conventional magazine themes must be included, Lauren and I have taken a great deal of time considering the layout we hope to utilize. In order to do so, we turned to Canva, our favorite platform. Below is the design Lauren and I concluded would be best for the documentary 'director's cut' article.

Of course, we will have to customize the template. For instance, the background for our article will not be yellow as the shade does not match the overall aesthetic and theme of our brand, which encompasses a more rainbow-like aura. In addition, concerning the third page, Lauren and I theorized that we could also include images along the left column rather than maintaining the empty space from the original layout. Here are (some) of the pictures we believe will compliment the 'director's cut' idea very well: 

Unfortunately, I am the worst at taking photos, and so we have none of Lauren for now. However, this upcoming week we plan on staging a couple pictures of her in her director duties in order to represent us both in the article.

(Sarcastically): I can't wait to go back to school tomorrow!

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